Allied Academies

Biochemistry & Chemical Biology

Biochemistry & Chemical Biology

The discipline that focuses on the mechanisms by which cells process, integrate, and act on information to create and propagate living organisms is Molecular Biology and Biochemistry . Chemical Biology deals with chemistry applied to biology. It concentrates in particular disciplines such as cell biology , genetics , epigenetics , genomics , molecular biology , biochemistry , biophysics , structural biology , and computational modeling . Both are fields that brings biologists and chemists together due to concern for the life and composition of the cells. The primary concerns of the biochemist is about the vast and complex array of chemical reactions occurring in living matter and the chemical composition of the cell.

  • Applied Biochemistry
  • Biophysical & Biochemical techniques
  • Biotechnology & Cell Biology
  • Metabolic Engineering
  • Research methodologies & Statistics in Biochemistry


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