Allied Academies

María-Paz Zorzano

María-Paz Zorzano, PhD
National Institute of Aerospace Technology, Madrid, Spain

Dr. María-Paz Zorzano is a researcher at the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB), of the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA, Spain) and a Professor in Atmospheric Science at the Luleå University of Technology (LTU, Sweden). She is a planetary physicist, investigating space exploration and astrobiology. She is involved in multiple NASA and ESA missions of exploration of the Earth, Moon and Mars, including the Curiosity rover of the Mars Science Laboratory mission (NASA), the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter (ESA), the ExoMars Rover (ESA) and the ExoMars Surface Platform (Roscosmos / ESA), as well as on proposals for the future international exploration of the Moon through the ESA Moon landers missions or the Deep Space Gateway. She is member of the COSPAR Planetary Protection Panel. She has received multiple awards related to space, such as the 2018 finalist award of the Space Exploration Masters Challenge and 2nd prize of the InnoSpace Masters call of 2018. She was also awarded in 2013 with a NASA Group Achievement for her contributions to the instrument REMS on board the Curiosity Rover. She is author of 85 refereed articles and several book chapters.

Research Interest

She is author of 85 refereed articles and several book chapters.

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