Allied Academies

Neuroscience & Neurochemistry

Neuroscience & Neurochemistry

The study of neurochemicals that are generated by and that modulate the nervous system is Neurochemistry. The multidisciplinary science that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the nervous system is Neuroscience.Oxytocinserotonindopamine and other neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter-regulating substances are the Neurochemicals. It refers to the chemical processes that occur in the brain and nervous system. It is the chemistry that occurs in the human brain and the nerve cell, helps humans in communicating signals. The flourishing academic field that contributes to our understanding of molecular, cellular and medical neurobiology is Neurochemistry. It deals with the role of chemicals that build the nervous system, it explores the function of neurons and glial cells in health and disease, it reveals how degenerative processes are at work in the nervous system and it discovers aspects of cell metabolism and neurotransmission

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